Airothene Roll

Code: AIR-300-1mm

Description:  Airothene Roll

SIZE  (L x W x T) 100M x 300mm x 1mm


 Airothene Roll

Code: AIR-1250-1mm

Description:  Airothene Roll

SIZE  (L x W x T) 100M x 1250mm x 1mm


 Airothene Roll

Code: AIR-1500-1mm

Description:  Airothene Roll

SIZE  (L x W x T) 200M x 1500mm x 1mm


 Airothene Roll

Code: AIR-1250-3mm

Description:  Airothene Roll

SIZE  (L x W x T) 100M x 1250mm x 3mm


Box Shop And Packaging Supplies Airothene Rolls that are non-abrasive, light-weight Air Foam is filled with thousands of cushioning air cells to protect your product. Airothene is shock absorbing foam that protects delicate items such as drinking glasses/ picture frames /furniture and many other product. Airothene is a light cushioning protective foam that overs and protects surfaces from  getting damage.